Thursday, February 28, 2013

The House

So if you've read The Plan then you know I'm trying to sell my house.
(if you haven't read about it, go do it - now - we'll wait; yup, we will, cause we like you and all =) )

Anyone out there tried to sell their house?  I didn't exactly enter the market at a great time - October 1 - but whatevs; that was my wedding date so I wanted to have that day mean something else to me.

Did I also mention that I'm selling it myself?  Yeah.....  as if you already didn't realize I was a little "off".   But I figure it will save me somewhere around 12k.  I figured 12k was worth it. 12k will get me really REALLY far on The Budget.

So this is my house - 2610 Belvoir - if you're interested in buying a house in up and coming San Antonio Texas (yay!!)  please let me know and I'll get you an appointment. 

However, if you're not interested in buying a house please don't stalk me.

OK - for the people out there that have sold their house, you know how incredibly annoying it is for people to set an appointment then not show, or say they're ready to make an offer and then don't, or when someone says they have the cash for it they just need to bring their husband by to look.  And when they do actually show up for an appointment they judgementally walk through your house making comments about the wall paper and open every little cabinet, looking at your towels, going through your closet and commenting that for someone getting ready to move "you sure do have a lot of stuff". 

Stuff?  As in I have absolutely no furniture except my bed?  And as in "no furniture" there is no dresser, no chest of drawers, no night stand, nowhere at ALL for me to put clothes except in my closet?    And a girl's got to put her clothes SOMEWHERE.  Just be glad I put my unmentionables in a box that you can't see.  (you're welcome)

And for the people out there that have sold their house themselves.......  multiply that tired frustration by a gajillion, because there is no agent to serve as a buffer.  Yes, I am serious - a GAJILLION

But somewhere deep inside I am secretly hoping that one of these really annoying early/late for their appointment judgemental people who don't understand or fully appreciate my closet organizational skills will somewhere somehow fall deeply in love with my little house and sweep in and buy it.  BUY IT, I say!

So yeah - check out my house - - and please consider buying it so I can get on the road and out of San Antonio. 

If you do come by, you're more than welcome to look in my closet.  Just don't comment on my stuff dude.

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